Receive scheduled summaries for your issues, milestones and pull requests.
New tab extension for Chrome that makes it fast and easy to find and search through your bookmarks and history.
Mobile app for Ushahidi's mapping platform providing offline capability to view and gather reports from any deployment.
Aggregates crisis data from the UN agencies ReliefWeb, FTS, and ACAPS making it easily acessible on your mobile device.
Humanitarian Kiosk provides a range of up-to-the-minute humanitarian related information from emergencies around the world.
Local initiative to help inform Saskatoon voters for the upcoming civic election, providing ward regions and summaries of candidates.
Giving a new purpose to old computers, inititive to repurpose used computers into public terminals providing internet access to marginalized groups.
Plugin for FrontlineSMS for collecting reports via SMS and uploaded to an Ushahidi deployment.
Emergency checkin system making it easy to triage communication so teams can stay up to date during a crisis.
Android app developed for the WorldBank to be used in the Philippines to gather surveys offline for school facilities.
UN field handbook for expert deployments used in response and preparedness missions in natural disasters.
Helping bridge the gap between groups in needs, organizations with resources and individuals with skills.
Two week Android mobile app development workshop in Zambia at the BongoHive in Lusaka.
Ushahidi deployment to map and monitor the spring floods in 2011, providing location and images of flood damage.
Open source plugin for FrontlineSMS adding the ability to send scheduled reminders via SMS.
An iOS and Android prototype to showcase the city's open data initiative, displaying AED locations across Saskatoon.
Making the international guidelines for countries affected by a sudden-onset disaster easily accessible on your mobile device.
Video storytelling platform which automatically stitched together interview clips into beautiful mini documentaries.
Civic engagement platform to spark conversations, report problems, and take action in the community.
Pro-democracy movement to encourage Canadians to share why voting matters, why every voice counts.
iOS app for Ushahidi's V2 platform providing an easy way to gather and view reports on your mobile device.
Extending the existing Ushahidi's Windows Mobile app with improved map capabilities so it can be used in El Salvador to report crime.